Technologies and media

Give the drummer some

As AI drum machines embrace humanising imperfections, what does this mean for ‘real’ drummers and the soul of music?


Apple Music Classical will give your smartphone some culture

You could search for music not just by song title or its composer, but by the name of the orchestra that recorded it, or the person who conducted it, or information about soloists or other performers. Primephonic could also account for the different possible spellings of composers' names, among other features.

Ars Technica

Napster ambitionne de révolutionner l'industrie musicale avec le Web3

Napster a refait surface il y a de cela quelques mois, mais elle fait déjà parler d’elle. Voulant à tout prix s’imposer sur le marché du Web3, elle ne cesse d’apporter de nouvelles innovations.

Coin Tribune

El sonido del futuro ya está aquí: audio adaptado a cada oído

Los oídos son como las huellas dactilares: no hay dos iguales. Por eso, muchas firmas de auriculares están desarrollando sistemas para ajustar su sonido a cada persona.

El País

The Quest to Restore Notre Dame’s Glorious Sound

Any change in a space can have a large effect on sound. Despite the size of the cathedral, or perhaps because of it, “a very small change in some material, since it is propagated over hundreds of square meters, can have more of an effect than you would imagine".

The New York Times

Streams are made of this: will digital platforms change our musical memories?

So many of our most precious memories are anchored in particular songs. But does the easy availability of every track spell the end of that?

The Guardian

Can we use quantum computers to make music?

Computers and digital technology are central to the modern music industry – but what could quantum computers bring to the party?

Physics World

La plateforme de musique en streaming Spotify teste des listes de lecture accessibles aux propriétaires de NFT

Ce test bêta de listes de lecture compatibles avec des jetons non fongibles se fait sur mobiles Android aux États-Unis, au Royaume-Uni, en Allemagne, en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande.

Conseils Crypto

La música vigila con inquietud la disrupción de la IA en el resto de artes

La innovación en aplicaciones de inteligencia artificial para melodías o voces es constante, aunque el potencial y el temor de disrupción no llegan por ahora al de otras disciplinas.

El País

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