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Technologies and media

New AI-generated RadioGPT can broadcast voice, dj music and find local news stories

Using the same technology as recent phenomenon ChatGPT, its creators say that it can even create social posts and short videos.


Unwinding the Birth, Rise, Fall and Return of the Cassette Tape

While the use of magnetic tape to record and play music dates back to the 1930s, it wasn’t until 1963, at the Berlin Radio Show, that Philips introduced the two-spool cassette.


Is Google Displacing Musicians With Its New Generative AI System: Music LM?

Although not yet released due to copyright issues, MusicLM is a signal of what’s to come in using AI to generate music from text descriptions.


Mieux que ChatGPT, cette IA écrit de la musique pour vous

Les ingénieurs de Google ont développé un modèle d’intelligence artificielle capable de créer des airs de musique à partir d’une description textuelle.

Science & Vie

Ha nacido la música rápida: así funcionan las canciones aceleradas que dividen a la industria

Algunos de los éxitos del momento son temas que pasaron desapercibidos cuando salieron, hasta que versiones ‘sped up’ elaboradas por usuarios anónimos en la red las han popularizado.

El País

This magical machine turns heartbeats into music

Teenage Engineering’s CHD-4 synth transforms the heartbeats of kids with congenital heart disease into musical rhythms.

Fast Company

Infographic: How does the world consume music?

To maximize any chance of success in the music business, aspiring artists must gain an understanding of how music is consumed and how that is changing alongside technology.

World Economic Forum

The impact of algorithmically driven recommendation systems on music consumption and production

The question of “bias” in music streaming algorithms: how might different groups of artists and consumers be affected by algorithms?

UK Government

La data, à plein volume dans l'industrie musicale

Saviez-vous qu'Aya Nakamura marche aux Philippines ? Qu'Ed Sheeran choisit des chansons en fonction du lieu du concert pour bénéficier d'un effet retour en streaming ? La data, exploitation des données, est une partition incontournable dans l'industrie musicale.

La Dépêche

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