The Pointy End

Pourquoi “Metropolis” inspire-t-il autant la musique électronique ?

Jeff Mills, Giorgio Moroder, Kraftwerk : nombreux sont les compositeurs de musique électronique à s’être nourri du classique de Fritz Lang de 1927.

France Culture

Estudio encuentra prevalencia de neurodiversidad en artistas de EDM

Un primer estudio sobre la neurodiversidad dentro de la industria electrónica pone de relieve cuántas personas en el mundo del EDM son neurodiversas, por qué este espacio es especialmente adecuado para ellos y cómo la industria puede apoyar mejor a estas personas.

Industria Musical

This Texan Was a Master of a Curious Midcentury Art Form, the Industrial Musical

Brands once staged elaborate productions for their employees. No one was better at making them than Mexia-born Michael Brown.

Texas Monthly

Music and mental health

Music has a powerful effect on the listener. It is linked to better mental health, and it has been shown to alleviate loneliness, pain, anxiety and depression.

The Conversation

Shakira a battu 14 records dans le Guinness

Parmi les records battus, « BZRP Music Sessions Vol. 53 » est devenu la chanson latino la plus écoutée sur Spotify à la fois sur une période de 24 heures et sur une semaine. Le titre a reçu 14,4 millions de streams en une seule journée, et 80,6 millions de streams en une semaine.

Rolling Stone

¿Por qué la música puede evocar tantos recuerdos? ¿En qué parte del cerebro se almacena la música?

El poder de la música es tal que logra penetrar en los rincones más oscuros del cerebro y hacer que pacientes con enfermedades como alzhéimer logren recordar brevemente un instante de su vida.


Why is R&B music more explicit than ever?

Tank was nervous after sending his manager a preview of “When We” — he’d never released a song that explicit. “He’s like, ‘You’re crazy, but it’s jammin’!’” the R&B singer recalled. “It ended up being my biggest record ever.”

AP News

Why do we stop exploring new music as we get older?

According to an estimate from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, an organisation that represents the international music industry, people around the world spend on average 20.1 hours per week listening to music, up from 18.4 hours in 2021.

The Conversation

Why music causes memories to flood back

This ability of music to conjure up vivid memories is a phenomenon well known to brain researchers. It can trigger intense recollections from years past — for many, more strongly than other senses such as taste and smell — and provoke strong emotions from those earlier experiences.

The Washington Post

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