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MMAP short presentation

MMAP framework document

MMAP terms of reference

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International Music Council


AIM The main aim of the MMAP is to sustain and enhance musical diversity in a globalised world.
VISION All people in the world should have the freedom to celebrate, participate in and contribute to the development of the musical experience of their choice, and to gain access to and insight from the many musics practised by others.
VALUE It is a universal human right to make and have ones own music. Understanding and appreciating the existence of different musics contributes to respect for other people and cultures, and opens doors to human interaction.
FOCI The MMAP has three focus areas:
  • music education
  • music production
  • international policy influencing musical diversity.
GOALS The MMAP seeks to
  • empower musical artists and music educators
  • inspire and empower communities
  • inspire and assist musical institutions
  • influence, inspire and assist governments
  • influence and assist decision-makers internationally to work actively for musical diversity.
ACTIONS The programme will
  • produce and disseminate advocacy materials, best practices and educational materials
  • actively participate in relevant conferences and gatherings
  • develop ways for musicians to become appreciated in the world cultural market
  • initiate and support relevant international actions.
PLAYERS The main players in the programme are the members of the International Music Council (IMC). Other important players are musical entities outside the IMC, and policy decision-makers at local, regional, national and international levels.



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