Want to join?

To qualify for IMC membership, an organisation must meet the following general requirements:

The organisation must demonstrate that it subscribes to the IMC’s Five Music Rights, develop policy positions to advance the welfare of its area or musical activity and advocate these to decision-makers including governments. It must be governed according to democratic principles and offer services to its members and/or to the community at large.

IMC offers a large spectrum of benefits to its members:

  • Be part of the world’s largest and most inclusive network of music organisations comprised of members with a variety of competencies, creating access to knowledge and experience that touches on every aspect of music around the globe
  • Networking opportunities with fellow IMC members to promote or to expand your organisation’s mission or reach
  • Benefit from the support and expertise of the IMC team and network in your own initiatives and advocacy work, including introductions or participation in curated workshops or roundtable discussions
  • Receive exclusive information about opportunities (grants, call for projects/prizes, research, etc.)
  • Partner with the IMC on its programs or on your own local, regional or international projects
  • Benefit from invitation and/or preferential rates for participation in IMC and Regional Music Council events
  • Stand for election to the Boards of the IMC and Regional Music Councils and vote in the elections
  • Promote your own activities and news on IMC website and social media profiles, in addition to be listed in the directory of IMC members
  • Receive the IMC Newsflashes, an exclusive information service for IMC members
  • Inform and contribute to IMC participation in a number of UNESCO’s projects and initiatives in the fields of culture, education and youth, and advocate for your initiatives within UNESCO
  • Become a member of your IMC Regional Music Council (if applicable) and enjoy additional benefits

Please keep in mind:

Only by being an active member will an organisation unlock the full potential of the IMC membership.

What is expected from a member?

To uphold and promote the IMC’s Five Music Rights.
To uphold and adhere to the guiding principles (equality, mutual tolerance, dialogue and respect) of the IMC.
To participate actively in IMC activities including the General Assembly (remote and proxy voting is available when organisations cannot attend in person).
To promote IMC’s work and its membership in IMC to its network of members and partners.
To keep in active contact with the IMC, paying its membership fees promptly and providing reports on its activities.

If your organisation wants to become a member of IMC:

  1. Check our membership categories
  2. Download and fill the forms (below)
  3. Submit to the IMC Secretariat accompanied by the requested documents

Application form ENGLISH – FRENCH

Profile of the organisation ENGLISH – FRENCH

For further information and assistance, please contact us.

Kindly note that National Music Councils are admitted after going through a capacity-building / coaching process led by the IMC in cooperation with a regional group, as warranted. If interested, please contact us.
Only one organisation is allowed to represent a given country as a National Music Council; have a look at the list, maybe there is already a National Music Council in your country!

Please note that we do not accept indivual members. If you are an individual, we encourage you to check our members directory and join the organisation that corresponds most to your profile, at sectorial (choirs, education, promotion, media, etc…) or regional level; the more we are, the better!

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