Membership Policy and Categories
Membership Policy
IMC aims to be the largest and most inclusive network of organisations and institutions working in the field of music. IMC is open to all genres of music.
Through its members, IMC has direct access to over 1000 organizations, operating in 150 countries across the world, thereby creating a network of knowledge and experience that touches on every aspect of music.
IMC members demonstrate that they subscribe to the IMC’s Five Music Rights, develop policy positions to advance the welfare of its area or musical activity and advocate these to decision-makers including governments. They are governed according to democratic principles and offer services to its members and/or to the community at large.
Membership Categories
An International Music Organisation has members or musical activities in a minimum of ten countries with more than three voting members outside the world region* where it is based.
A Regional Music Organisation is mainly operating in one world region only and has members or musical activities in a minimum of 20% of the amount of countries in that specific region. The number of its voting members outside the region does not exceed three.
National or Specialised Organisation: Any legally constituted organisation, association, society, company, foundation, corporation, NGO, working in the field of arts and culture in which their core activities involve the field of music, and which does not fulfil the requirements of an international or regional music organisation or national music council, can be accepted as organisational member of IMC.
A National Music Council is broadly representative of the musical life in its country, by including members from across the music ecosystem, e.g. music education, production and promotion, infrastructure etc.
* In the IMC, the term “region” refers to the following: Africa – Arab World – Asia/Oceania – Europe – The Americas