Representation & Policy monitoring


UNESCO being the only UN organisation with a mandate for culture, IMC’s advocacy work targets predominantly decision-makers within UNESCO and its Member States. As NGO official partner of UNESCO, IMC is regularly invited to participate in UNESCO meetings and make presentations in front of representatives of governments.
In order to deploy its advocacy efforts, IMC monitors cultural policy developments at international and regional levels.
In this section, you will find information on some of the areas of UNESCO’s cultural policy which are relevant for the work of the IMC.

– Diversity of Cultural Expressions

IMC is accredited to the governing bodies of the UNESCO 2005 Convention on the Protection and the Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. This Convention addresses issues such as sustainable systems of governance for culture, balanced flow of cultural goods and services, mobility of artists and cultural professionals, culture in sustainable development frameworks, human rights and fundamental freedoms.

IMC is involved in the preparation of the biennial Civil Society Forum, takes part in the coordination effort among accredited CSOs and contributes to the reporting by Member States and civil society.

IMC regularly replies to the UNESCO global survey on the implementation of the 1980 UNESCO Recommendation regarding the Status of the Artist.

– Culture and Arts Education

IMC has a long history of involvement and contributions to the work of UNESCO on this subject. It was involved in the elaboration Lisbon Road Map for Arts Education (2006), the Seoul Agenda for Arts Education (2010) and the new Framework for Culture and Arts Education (2024).

– Intangible Heritage

In continuation of its key role in the creation of the UNESCO Collection of Traditional Music Recording, IMC follows closely the developments around the UNESCO 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.


To strengthen the voice of music in Europe, our regional group for Europe, the European Music Council, is in close contact to the decision makers of the European institutions and other facilitators of Cultural Policy within Europe. See here

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